I am a Software developer with a passion for all things development


I've spent the past few years learning software development, with a main focus on web development. In 2020, around the time Covid began - I started my journey in web development. I started out creating a Shopify store, from there my interest and skills have continued to develop to the stage they are now.

Throughout my time learning web development, I have gained many skills along the way. Anywhere from UI/UX, to frontend, and with some experience in backend as well.


Computer Network

Computer Networking

Tasked with creating a computer network in which the server would receive math equations from multiple clients and return with the answer. Using TCP as the protocol of choice for the project, and multi-threading to allow multiple clients to attach to the server. The server would keep track of clients and correctly state which client requested which answer.

Relevant Skills:

* Multi-threading

* Computer Networking

* TCP Protocol

Computer Network

Admin Panel (Frontend Team)

The request from the startup company was for my team to create an admin panel. This included the frontend using Vue framework and Django framework for the backend. Using the agile methodology, we had weekly sprints to complete tickets given to us.

Relevant Skills:

* Vue framework

* Django framework

* Figma

* Git

Computer Network

Product Website

Tasked on the project to create a website to "sell" our product that we had created. For this project, my team and I created a motion detection camera and created a website that had a full functioning cart and checkout system. It also included an account management for clients to sign up.

Relevant Skills:



* JavaScript

Computer Network


My team was tasked with creating a functional database and the different diagrams and dictionaries that depict the database. Using MySQL as our visual tool, we were able to create the database using SQL code.

Relevant Skills:



* Dictionary/diagram design


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